Cy Says Blog

Ringing in the Year with Intentionality

Written by Tony Bryan | Jan 4, 2024 5:22:13 PM

As we embark on a new year, a season of hopefulness and optimism surrounds us. Individuals and organizations alike are contemplating the future, anticipating the exciting developments that will unfold in the next 12 months. At CyberUp, we are no exception. Our goals and budget were established in December, and we stand "ready" to face whatever challenges and opportunities the year may bring.

In my pursuit of personal and professional growth, I recently tuned in to The Mel Robbins Podcast. There, she offered a perspective on planning for the upcoming year that deeply resonated with me. Robbins emphasized the importance of understanding where we've been to chart a course forward. Without a clear understanding of what is and isn't working, creating a plan for abundance becomes a challenging task. Just as the quality of directions shapes your journey, this insight struck a chord with me for various reasons.

Reflecting on CyberUp's journey from 2023 into 2024, four core themes emerge: interesting, planning, scaling, and welcoming. Let's delve into each of them:


For many, 2023 was undeniably "interesting." The global landscape is rife with complexities—wars, inflation, social challenges, and more. With the added uncertainty of an election year in 2024, individuals and companies find themselves reassessing everything. While I won't delve into the details, acknowledging the interconnectedness of our shared experiences on this planet is crucial. Despite the weight of external factors, we must remain flexible and resilient in pursuing our mission. As Dori wisely advises, "Just keep swimming."


Entering 2024, CyberUp recognized the need for an updated strategic plan. Our previous plan, crafted over three years ago, needed revisiting given the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, apprenticeship, and STEM. Before delving into the planning process, we took the time to assess the current state of cybersecurity offerings nationally. This comprehensive analysis informed our unique value proposition—focusing on both youth and adult programming, offering flexibility in training, and maintaining a high-quality candidate pool.


With over 15 years of nonprofit experience, I've engaged in numerous strategic planning efforts. Unlike traditional expansion models, CyberUp's strength lies in a proven organization and model that works. While continual process improvement remains a priority, our core focus is on scaling—maximizing every aspect of our program to be as effective as possible for a broader audience. Central to this effort is enhancing employer engagement, a critical aspect of workforce programs like ours.


A blend of the last two themes, "Welcoming" serves as a call to action. Our plan includes a challenge to companies nationwide: join us in creating a movement toward adopting a skills-based hiring model. This challenge aims to encourage companies to rethink and reimagine their hiring practices, fostering diversity, equity, and a thriving work environment. Stay tuned for more details on this initiative in the coming months.

As we look ahead, the Board of Directors and the CyberUp team are committed to our current programs and have set ambitious goals to elevate the cybersecurity workforce in St. Louis and beyond. Our role, along with that of other organizations, in shaping the talent pipeline is crucial. Join us in our mission to elevate the cybersecurity workforce.

Over the next three years, we aspire to:

  • Ignite the passion for cybersecurity in 3,500 youths through our PowerUp program
  • Develop the cybersecurity skills of 525 individuals through our LevelUp Training program
  • Transform 244 jobs into apprenticeships and skills-based hiring programs
  • Inspire 280 volunteers to invest their time in those we serve

While the year and our plan are just beginning, here's to your ambitious goals for 2024! We invite you to share your aspirations with us. We are excited to kickstart the year, grateful for the support received over the years, and ready to make a positive impact with your collaboration. Welcome to the realm of skills-based hiring—we're delighted to have you on board