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Ep 56: Breaking into cyber thru fed service with Chris Cockburn

Chris Cockburn, cybersecurity advisor for CISA, discusses how to get into cyber with federal jobs. He explains how to match knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA's) on your resume for Networking with those in roles you want to be in is vital. Ask reqruiters plenty of questions to determine what you want to do and explore strategic partner universities  to potentially get internship opportunities. Most importantly find a mentor. 



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Ep 49: Free Cybersecurity Training Resources with Paul Cummings

Paul Cummings shares all the free training options for getting into cybersecurity. He names SANS Cyber Aces, Try Hack Me, Range Force, Evolve Security, Cyber Skills 2 Work, and his organization Whole Cyber Human Initiative as go-to training programs. Tony adds IT Pro TV To the list and urges users to treat these opportunities with the same discipline as paid training.


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