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Transitioning into Cybersecurity - A Journey Resembling the First Day of School

Starting a career in cybersecurity is similar to the excitement and anticipation of starting a new school year. As students prepare for new academic challenges and experiences, aspiring cybersecurity professionals immerse themselves in the world of digital security and data protection. In this blog we will explore the parallels between transitioning to cybersecurity and starting school, highlighting steps needed to navigate this dynamic career and succeed in cyberspace.

1. A Scary First Day: Acquiring Basic Knowledge

When a student walks into a classroom on the first day of school, they encounter a realm of unfamiliar subjects. Similarly, entering the cybersecurity world can be overwhelming in terms of technical jargon, tools, and concepts. Embrace the initial jitters and focus on acquiring foundational knowledge. Enroll in cybersecurity classes, read industry blogs, and become familiar with cybersecurity frameworks.

2. Building Relationships: Networking in the Cyber Community

Just as school is an opportunity to make friends, getting into cybersecurity gives you the opportunity to network with industry professionals. Join cybersecurity forums, attend conferences, and connect with mentors who can guide you on your journey. Networking opens doors to new opportunities and valuable insights.

3. Problem-solving Skills: Embracing Challenges

School presents students with various challenges and encourages them to develop their problem-solving skills. Cybersecurity professionals face similar scenarios when dealing with constant threats. Embrace challenges with an inquisitive mind and determination to find solutions.

4. Learning from Mistakes: Embracing Continuous Improvement

Mistakes are a natural part of any learning process. In school, students learn from mistakes to improve their academic performance. Similarly, cybersecurity professionals must have a continuous improvement mindset that will help them investigate security breaches, understand root causes, and implement strategies to prevent future occurrences.

5. Teamwork and Cooperation: Playing Nice in the Sandbox

Group projects and teamwork take place in schools, teaching students the value of collaboration. In cybersecurity, collaboration between teams such as threat analysts, IT professionals, and management is critical to effectively defend against cyber threats. Learning to play nice in the Sandbox (pun intended) is a transferable skill that applies to everything. 

6. Being Curious: Embracing Lifelong Learning

Successful students have a curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. It’s important to stay on top of the latest trends, threats, and technologies in cybersecurity.  Engage in continuous learning, pursue certifications, and explore new aspects of cybersecurity to stay ahead in the field.

7. Graduation Day: Achieving Cybersecurity Milestones

Just as graduation is a milestone for students, cybersecurity professionals celebrate milestones as they advance in their careers. Whether earning certifications, leading security projects, or getting a promotion, every step is worth celebrating.

The transition to cybersecurity is similar to the excitement and challenges of starting a new school year. Embrace the journey with a thirst for knowledge, a commitment to collaboration, and a passion for problem-solving. As you navigate the cybersecurity field, remember that, like school, it’s a lifelong learning process. Embrace each challenge, learn from mistakes, and celebrate your achievements as you embark on a rewarding career in cybersecurity. 

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Ep 56: Breaking into cyber thru fed service with Chris Cockburn

Chris Cockburn, cybersecurity advisor for CISA, discusses how to get into cyber with federal jobs. He explains how to match knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA's) on your resume for Networking with those in roles you want to be in is vital. Ask reqruiters plenty of questions to determine what you want to do and explore strategic partner universities  to potentially get internship opportunities. Most importantly find a mentor. 



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Ep 48: Pathways into Cybersecurity with Erica Wilson

Erica Wilson current VP, Global Cybersecurity and Privacy Risk Management at RGA gives us a glimpse of her career journey and then explains fundamental things she has learned along the way. For instance, the importance of building a network prior to looking for a career and how to best reposition yourself with interdisciplinary skills. Erica urges those looking to get into cyber to study the companies they wish to work for and consider peripheral roles that may set them in desired roles later.  


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