Cy Says Blog & Podcast

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Amber Lowry

April Fools' Cybersecurity: Don't Let Phishing Lines Reel You In!

On this April Fool’s Day, it's not just pranksters and jokesters who are gearing up for mischief. Cybercriminals also see this day as an opportunity to unleash their tricks and scams on unsuspecting individuals and organizations. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of cybersecurity awareness during April Fool's Day and explore strategies to protect yourself and your organization from falling victim to cyber threats.


The Significance of Cybersecurity Awareness:

Cybersecurity awareness is crucial year-round, but it takes on added importance during times like April Fool's Day when cybercriminals may attempt to exploit the jovial atmosphere to carry out malicious activities. By raising awareness about common cyber threats and promoting best practices for online safety, individuals and organizations can minimize their risk of falling victim to cyber-attacks.


Understanding Cyber Threats:

Before diving into specific cybersecurity tips for April Fool's Day, it's essential to understand the types of cyber threats that may arise during this time. These threats can include phishing attacks, social engineering scams, malware distribution, and misinformation campaigns. Cybercriminals may capitalize on the spirit of April Fool's Day to send deceptive emails, create fake websites, or spread false information through social media channels.


Tips for Protecting Yourself:

  1. Verify Before You Click: Exercise caution when encountering suspicious links or emails, especially if they seem too good to be true or come from unfamiliar sources. Before clicking on any links or downloading attachments, verify the sender's identity and ensure that the website is legitimate.
  2. Strengthen Password Security: Use strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and consider enabling two-factor authentication for an added layer of security. Avoid using easily guessable passwords or sharing them with others, as this can leave you vulnerable to unauthorized access.
  3. Stay Updated on Security Patches: Keep your software, operating system, and antivirus programs up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Regularly check for software updates and install them promptly to protect against known vulnerabilities and exploits.
  4. Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Offers: Be wary of unsolicited emails, messages, or phone calls promising prizes, discounts, or other incentives. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and avoid providing personal or sensitive information to unknown entities.
  5. Educate Your Team: If you're part of an organization, take the opportunity to educate your team members about cybersecurity best practices. Conduct training sessions, share relevant resources, and encourage a culture of vigilance and accountability when it comes to cybersecurity.


Protecting Your Organization:

  1. Implement Robust Security Measures: Ensure that your organization has robust cybersecurity measures in place, including firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption. Regularly assess your network security posture and address any vulnerabilities or weaknesses promptly.
  2. Monitor for Suspicious Activity: Implement monitoring tools and protocols to detect and respond to suspicious activity on your network. Monitor for signs of unauthorized access, unusual login attempts, or inconsistent behavior that may indicate a potential security breach.
  3. Backup Your Data: Regularly back up your organization's data and ensure that backups are stored securely and regularly tested for reliability. In the event of a cyber-attack or data breach, having backup copies of your critical data can help minimize disruption and facilitate recovery.
  4. Foster a Culture of Security Awareness: Promote cybersecurity awareness and best practices among your employees through regular training, awareness campaigns, and ongoing communication. Encourage employees to report any security incidents or concerns promptly and provide them with resources and support to stay vigilant online.
  5. Collaborate with Security Partners: Consider partnering with trusted cybersecurity vendors or experts to enhance your organization's security posture. Leverage their expertise and resources to identify and mitigate potential threats, assess your cybersecurity readiness, and develop a comprehensive security strategy tailored to your organization's needs.

This April Fool’s Day, it's essential to remain vigilant and proactive about cybersecurity. By staying informed about common cyber threats, adopting best practices for online safety, and implementing strong security measures, individuals and organizations can minimize their risk of falling victim to cyber-attacks. Remember, the best defense against cyber threats is a combination of awareness, preparedness, and proactive action.

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Cybersecurity

Let’s dive into a topic that many of us can relate to on a personal level: imposter syndrome. If you've ever felt like a fraud, doubting your capabilities and fearing that you'll be exposed as someone who doesn't belong, then you're not alone. Imposter syndrome is a common challenge in the cybersecurity field, but fear not, because we're here to help you overcome it.


First off, let's understand what imposter syndrome is all about. It's that constant nagging feeling that despite our accomplishments and expertise, we don't deserve our success. You know, that little voice in the back of your head saying, "You're just lucky," or "Everyone else knows more than you." Sound familiar? Yeah, we've all been there.


So how do we tackle this imposter syndrome beast? Let's explore some strategies to help you regain your confidence and embrace your skills in cybersecurity.


  1. Recognizing and challenging negative self-talk

   It's time to silence that inner critic! Identify those nagging thoughts and challenge their validity. I find it helpful to give that inner critic a name so that when those negative thoughts come up, I can sit back and process what’s being said. It also makes it easier to tell that inner voice to sit down and shut up. Replace self-doubt with positive affirmations. “What if I CAN do it?” or “What if I DO get the job?” Remind yourself of the projects you've completed and the knowledge you bring to the table.


  1. Building a support network and seeking mentorship

   Don't underestimate the power of a solid support system. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can uplift and inspire you. Seek out mentors who can guide you and provide valuable advice. Collaboration and learning from others can do wonders for your confidence and help motivate you to step outside of your comfort zone.


  1. Embracing continued learning and skill development

   The cybersecurity field is ever-evolving, so make sure you stay on top of the latest trends and developments. Engage in continuous learning through online courses, attending webinars, or reading industry publications. Setting achievable goals and celebrating your progress along the way will boost your confidence.


  1. Practicing self-care and managing stress

   Take time to care for yourself both physically and mentally. Engage in activities that help reduce stress, such as exercising, meditating, or pursuing hobbies. Balancing your work and personal life is crucial for maintaining overall well-being.


Now, let's talk about enhancing your confidence in the cybersecurity field.


  1. Acknowledging personal achievements and expertise

   Take a moment to reflect on your past successes and the skills you've acquired. Give yourself credit for the challenges you've conquered and the growth you've achieved. Celebrate milestones, no matter how small, to remind yourself of your capabilities.


  1. Embracing failures as learning opportunities

   Remember, mistakes are a normal part of the learning process. Instead of dwelling on failures, use them as stepping stones to success. Learn from your mistakes, adapt, and improve your skills. Failure doesn't define you; it's how you bounce back that truly matters.


  1. Developing a personal brand and showcasing expertise

   In the age of social media, creating an online presence can be a powerful tool. Showcase your knowledge and skills through platforms like LinkedIn or personal blogs. Participate in industry events and share your expertise to establish yourself as a trusted professional.


Remember that imposter syndrome is more common than you may think. It's a hurdle that many professionals face, but it doesn't define your worth or expertise. By challenging negative self-talk, building a support network, and embracing continuous learning, you can overcome imposter syndrome or at least quiet your inner critic and step out of your comfort zone anyway. Celebrate your achievements, learn from failures, and showcase your expertise to build the confidence you deserve in the cybersecurity field.

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Apprentice Success Story: John Jones


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, John Jones found himself facing a difficult challenge - the transition into the cybersecurity career field without experience. His background consisted of experience in IT Operational Support, Customer Service, and project experience in a healthcare infrastructure. However, his journey took a turn when he discovered CyberUp, an ally that helped him break through the barriers and also provided a structured path to success.

John is an aspiring cybersecurity professional who struggled with the initial difficulty of entering the cybersecurity field, hindered by a lack of experience. This common stumbling block for many aspiring cybersecurity professionals became the drive for finding a program that could bridge the gap and open doors to organizations willing to invest in training new talent.

The turning point for John was CyberUp, a program that served as more than just a stepping stone; it was a catalyst for his growth. CyberUp not only connected him with First Bank, an organization ready to nurture and develop new talent but also provided a structured framework that became instrumental in maintaining focus and setting goals in his cybersecurity career.

As an Information Security Analyst with First Bank, John's favorite project involves testing Insider Threat Management tools. This not only showcases his technical ability but also highlights his creative thinking in enhancing the effectiveness of security measures. Beyond the apprenticeship program, John is focused on furthering his education and professional development. His goals include studying for certifications, exploring different product suites, diving into networking topics, and gaining insights into lean Six Sigma.

One of the persistent challenges in cybersecurity that John noticed is that effective communication is important, especially to those without a technical background. John recognizes this challenge and emphasizes the need to convey the 'why' behind security policies in a way that resonates with non-technical individuals. This skill, he believes, is crucial in making cybersecurity principles understandable and actionable.

While John doesn't have a favorite quote or affirmation, his philosophy in cybersecurity revolves around patience with the learning curve and being humble. John acknowledges that the field is vast and ever-changing, and embracing the constant learning process is key to success. John also advises prospective CyberUp candidates, emphasizing the importance of honing written and verbal communication skills. In cybersecurity, clear articulation of technical concepts is as vital as the technical knowledge itself.

John's apprenticeship experience instilled confidence in his new career and gave him a sense of direction. The collaborative learning environment with fellow apprentices stood out to him as the best part of the experience. The camaraderie and shared growth within the program created a community for John that fueled motivation and mutual support.

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Apprentice Success Story: Charles Long


Charles Long Jr. is a determined lifelong learner who wanted more in life. Charles started as a Janitor at a local casino however, he knew he wanted more for himself and his family and that is when he decided to pursue a new career in cybersecurity. With some assistance from CyberUp, he dove into the challenge and proved his determination. That's when his adventure with CyberUp kicked off, providing him not just with a roadmap but also with a boost of confidence throughout his apprenticeship program.

According to Charles, CyberUp wasn't just about learning technical skills – it played a crucial role in building up his self-confidence. In the world of cybersecurity, confidence is your secret weapon. For Charles, "Details Matter" is not just a saying – it's a way of life in the cybersecurity realm. It's about that meticulous mindset, the precision, and the undivided attention to detail that makes all the difference.

Of course, Charles didn't skate through his journey without facing challenges. Self-confidence was a bit of a struggle, and visualizing himself in a cybersecurity role was an uncomfortable feeling for him due to his lack of confidence. He constantly questioned himself and wondered if he could even do the job and do it well. But with CyberUp’s assistance offering constant support and assurance, Charles conquered those fears and came out on top.

So, what's the value Charles got from CyberUp? In his own words, "a career." It’s not just about learning the ropes; it's about CyberUp opening doors to a fulfilling career in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity. Charles reflects on some of his favorite projects during his apprenticeship with Object Computing. He found joy in working on audits, getting that ISO certification stamp, and diving into various Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) initiatives. As an Associate IT Engineer, he's not just contributing; he's jumpstarting security programs and playing a key role in his company's success.

Moving forward, Charles has his eyes set on continuous learning and hints at potential roles like a forensic analyst or a cybersecurity pro testifying in court. Despite some initial hesitation, Charles is all in for becoming a mentor and contributing to CyberUp's youth program, PowerUp. Public speaking might not be his forte, but his willingness to volunteer and share his experiences shows a genuine commitment to giving back and helping others find their way in the world of cybersecurity.

In a nutshell, Charles Long's journey is more than a success story – it's an inspiration for anyone eyeing a career in cybersecurity. From janitor to Associate IT Engineer, his story is a testament to the transformative power of determination, continuous learning, and a bit of mentorship.

As CyberUp continues to empower individuals like Charles, it's not just changing lives; it's reshaping the entire landscape of cybersecurity.


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Transitioning into Cybersecurity - A Journey Resembling the First Day of School

Starting a career in cybersecurity is similar to the excitement and anticipation of starting a new school year. As students prepare for new academic challenges and experiences, aspiring cybersecurity professionals immerse themselves in the world of digital security and data protection. In this blog we will explore the parallels between transitioning to cybersecurity and starting school, highlighting steps needed to navigate this dynamic career and succeed in cyberspace.

1. A Scary First Day: Acquiring Basic Knowledge

When a student walks into a classroom on the first day of school, they encounter a realm of unfamiliar subjects. Similarly, entering the cybersecurity world can be overwhelming in terms of technical jargon, tools, and concepts. Embrace the initial jitters and focus on acquiring foundational knowledge. Enroll in cybersecurity classes, read industry blogs, and become familiar with cybersecurity frameworks.

2. Building Relationships: Networking in the Cyber Community

Just as school is an opportunity to make friends, getting into cybersecurity gives you the opportunity to network with industry professionals. Join cybersecurity forums, attend conferences, and connect with mentors who can guide you on your journey. Networking opens doors to new opportunities and valuable insights.

3. Problem-solving Skills: Embracing Challenges

School presents students with various challenges and encourages them to develop their problem-solving skills. Cybersecurity professionals face similar scenarios when dealing with constant threats. Embrace challenges with an inquisitive mind and determination to find solutions.

4. Learning from Mistakes: Embracing Continuous Improvement

Mistakes are a natural part of any learning process. In school, students learn from mistakes to improve their academic performance. Similarly, cybersecurity professionals must have a continuous improvement mindset that will help them investigate security breaches, understand root causes, and implement strategies to prevent future occurrences.

5. Teamwork and Cooperation: Playing Nice in the Sandbox

Group projects and teamwork take place in schools, teaching students the value of collaboration. In cybersecurity, collaboration between teams such as threat analysts, IT professionals, and management is critical to effectively defend against cyber threats. Learning to play nice in the Sandbox (pun intended) is a transferable skill that applies to everything. 

6. Being Curious: Embracing Lifelong Learning

Successful students have a curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. It’s important to stay on top of the latest trends, threats, and technologies in cybersecurity.  Engage in continuous learning, pursue certifications, and explore new aspects of cybersecurity to stay ahead in the field.

7. Graduation Day: Achieving Cybersecurity Milestones

Just as graduation is a milestone for students, cybersecurity professionals celebrate milestones as they advance in their careers. Whether earning certifications, leading security projects, or getting a promotion, every step is worth celebrating.

The transition to cybersecurity is similar to the excitement and challenges of starting a new school year. Embrace the journey with a thirst for knowledge, a commitment to collaboration, and a passion for problem-solving. As you navigate the cybersecurity field, remember that, like school, it’s a lifelong learning process. Embrace each challenge, learn from mistakes, and celebrate your achievements as you embark on a rewarding career in cybersecurity. 

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Apprentice Success Story: Sterling Smith


Sterling's journey into the world of cybersecurity has been one of passion, hard work, and dedication. His love for technology dates back to the early days of personal computing, and he has spent over a decade working in the semiconductor industry, keeping up with the latest advancements in the field through tech publications like Byte magazine.

As a cybersecurity professional, Sterling has a broad interest in various methodologies, but his passion lies in counterintelligence. His time in the Army working in electronic warfare tactical systems repair fueled his interest in technology, and he has since become an expert in his field.

In addition to his professional work, Sterling is a tech enthusiast who enjoys building PCs, configuring microcomputers like raspberry pi's, and tinkering with home automation devices. His office is a veritable tech wonderland, filled with gadgets and computer equipment that he loves to experiment with.

Sterling's journey into the cybersecurity industry was not without its challenges. As a newcomer, he faced a barrage of new learning objectives and had to quickly adapt to a new and fast-paced industry. Fortunately, Sterling had the support of CyberUp, which provided him with invaluable resources and a network of fellow apprentices to connect with.

With CyberUp's help, Sterling was able to stay focused and make significant strides in his career. He completed CompTIA Security+ training and embarked on an apprenticeship with Centene, where he was able to apply his skills and knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Today, Sterling is a highly skilled and sought-after cybersecurity professional, with a deep understanding of counterintelligence and a passion for keeping up with the latest advancements in his field. He is an inspiration to others in the industry, and his dedication and hard work are a testament to the incredible opportunities available in the cybersecurity field.

Sterling's journey into the world of cybersecurity is a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and a passion for technology. His love for the field has driven him to become an expert in the field, and his journey is a testament to the incredible opportunities available in the cybersecurity industry.



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Apprentice Success Story: David Martin


David's story is a testament to the fact that old dogs can indeed learn new tricks. With his business background and three degrees - a bachelor's in economics, a master's in business administration, and a master's in accounting - he worked in intelligence analysis for the Army for seven years until he was medically discharged. He then found work as a bookkeeper and accountant for a construction company but was eventually laid off when the company ran into financial difficulties.

Determined to find a recession-proof occupation, David began attending job fairs to explore his options. At one such event, he met our LevelUp coordinator, who introduced him to the CyberUp apprenticeship program. This proved to be a turning point for David, as he had been struggling to find work on his own.

David's hobbies were weightlifting and learning. He spent a lot of his free time studying on Udemy and keeping up with cybersecurity news on YouTube and LinkedIn groups. He soon discovered that online resources could be valuable assets in his quest to learn new skills.

Partnering with CyberUp led to David being hired as a cybersecurity analyst with Centene, but he quickly pivoted to become a cloud engineer. He found his work environment to be supportive and inspiring, with regular check-ins from our apprenticeship coordinator. Although working remotely was a new experience for David, it gave him more time to spend with his wife and to cook during his lunch breaks.

When asked for advice for future apprentices, David emphasized the importance of hitting the ground running and using downtime to learn new skills. He also stressed the value of lifelong learning and expressed his goal of furthering his cybersecurity education and becoming a cloud security architect.

Overall, David's story is a reminder that it's never too late to start over and learn new things. With determination and the right resources, anyone can achieve their goals.



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Apprentice Success Story: Sara


Sara's journey into cybersecurity began as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many others, Sara found herself in a difficult position when her school mandated in-person learning. She needed to find a new job that would allow her to care for her daughter with special needs while also providing a fulfilling career. Fortunately, Sara's passion for continuous learning and her desire to keep moving forward propelled her into the world of cybersecurity.

With a background in teaching, Sara had many skills that could be transferred to the cybersecurity industry. As a teacher, Sara learned how to communicate effectively, work under pressure, and manage her time efficiently. She also had a keen understanding of how to break down complex concepts into more accessible pieces, which proved to be an invaluable skill in the field of cybersecurity.

After attending a training seminar, Sara was inspired by a speech given by our LevelUp coordinator. The coordinator spoke about the numerous career opportunities in cybersecurity, which opened Sara's eyes to the possibilities that lay ahead. She enrolled in our LevelUp Training program, where she learned valuable skills such as risk management, compliance, and information security. With CyberUp's support, Sara landed a remote role performing compliance duties that allowed her to continue caring for her daughter.

Sara's success in cybersecurity did not come easily, as she had to balance her studies with her family obligations. Despite the challenges, Sara remained determined to succeed and stay active. She would go biking or running whenever she could and subscribed to different tech wikis, radio stations, and social media feeds to stay up-to-date with cybersecurity news.

One of the things Sara appreciated most about her experience with CyberUp was the professional development opportunities. She participated in the Monthly Mentor Meetups, which allowed her to network with other professionals in the field. She also valued the monthly check-ins with our apprenticeship coordinator, who provided guidance and support throughout her journey.

Looking ahead, Sara has set her sights on earning her Google IT certification and AWS certification, as well as being promoted from associate to analyst. She knows that cybersecurity is a sink-or-swim field, but she remains steadfast in her determination to succeed. Sara's mantra, "Just keep swimming," serves as a reminder that persistence and continuous learning are critical to achieving success in any field.

Sara's journey into cybersecurity is a testament to the power of determination and continuous learning. Her passion for staying active and her desire to better herself both personally and professionally allowed her to transition into a new career successfully. With the support of CyberUp, Sara was able to overcome the challenges and build a bright future for herself and her family.

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Apprentice Success Story: Pratik Joshi


Pratik's journey into the world of cybersecurity was nothing short of a masterpiece, cooked to perfection with the finest ingredients of his experiences and passions. Like a seasoned chef, he had honed his skills in the culinary arts, mastering the art of creativity, collaboration, and working under pressure. Little did he know that these skills would prove to be the secret sauce of his success in the cybersecurity industry.
Pratik's service as a chef in the United States Army went beyond providing basic needs for his fellow troops - he was the driving force behind his unit's morale. His dedication to the service of others and ambition to make a difference led him to the dynamic world of cybersecurity, where the pace was fast and the opportunities were endless. After exploring various options, Pratik discovered CyberUp, a training program that teamed up with him to take his skills to the next level.
The CyberUp team welcomed Pratik with open arms, offering him support and guidance throughout the training process. As he delved into the world of cybersecurity, he found himself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information he had to absorb. But like a true cybersecurity professional, Pratik devised a strategy - he turned to podcasts and YouTube videos to better understand complex cyber topics. He even started to incorporate this newfound hobby into his daily routine, much like his love for cooking.

After completing the LevelUp Training, Pratik faced the daunting task of transitioning out of the military. With CyberUp by his side, he was well-prepared to take on this challenge. The team helped him translate his military experience into civilian terms and provided him with mock interviews and resume reviews to ensure his success in the job market.
Centene saw the potential in Pratik and hired him as an apprentice. Thriving in a fast-paced environment, Pratik's passion and dedication to learning and working hard made him a valuable asset to the team. Throughout his apprenticeship journey, CyberUp never left his side. They provided mentorship and guidance, checking in with him monthly to ensure his success.
Looking toward the future, Pratik's goal is to obtain a Master's Degree in Digital Forensics. With CyberUp as his foundation, he knows that the possibilities are endless. He is grateful for the lifelong friends he made along the way and credits his success to the skills he learned as a chef. As he imparts his wisdom to future candidates, Pratik reminds us that time management is key - just like a good chef, one must stay focused and vigilant to succeed in the world of cybersecurity.

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Apprentice Success Story: Austin Mahoney


 Austin is a trailblazer in his family, breaking barriers and achieving remarkable accomplishments. He proudly holds the distinction of being the first member to earn a college degree, and to serve in the military, where he made notable strides toward a Ph.D. Recently, he's been working on his dissertation on Network Security, and his passion for the topic was apparent when he shared it with our LevelUp team.

Since the moment Austin was referred to CyberUp, he showed great enthusiasm. Austin was especially thrilled to have the opportunity to earn an additional certification through the Related Training Instruction portion of his LevelUp Apprenticeship. He opted to pursue a Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) certification and found the virtual classroom and self-learning environment highly enjoyable and flexible. Although he appreciated the independent study process, he found great value in having a mentor to support him through the program. Austin was so grateful for this experience that he expressed a desire to volunteer as a mentor to incoming candidates in the future.                                                                                                                                                                     


Throughout his journey as an apprentice for Centene, Austin has found the support of the CyberUp team to be invaluable. He thoroughly enjoyed connecting with other new hires and found that having a close-knit network behind him instilled him with the motivation to push himself further. Today, he remains excited about paying forward the kindness and support he received, and he credits CyberUp with being the driving force behind his success.

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