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Ep 58: Why Breaking into Cyber is so Hard w/Matt Peterson

In this week's podcast, we discussed why it was so hard to break into cybersecurity. With the increasing importance of cybersecurity, it was no wonder that more and more people were interested in pursuing a career in this field. Our guest today was Matt Peterson with Guidepoint Security, a cybersecurity professional with over two decades of experience.

Matt explained that one of the biggest challenges in breaking into cybersecurity was the ever-changing nature of the field. As new technologies and threats emerge, cybersecurity professionals must constantly stay up to date with the latest tools and techniques. This requires a significant amount of time and effort and can be daunting for those just starting out.

Another challenge is the lack of formal education and training programs specifically tailored to cybersecurity. While there are some degree programs and certifications available, they may not provide the practical experience and hands-on training that employers are looking for. This can make it difficult for new professionals to get their foot in the door and gain the necessary knowledge to advance in their careers.

Additionally, the cybersecurity field is highly competitive, with many qualified candidates vying for a limited number of job openings. This means that even those with the necessary skills and experience may struggle to find employment in the field.

Despite these challenges, Matt emphasized that breaking into cybersecurity is not impossible. Networking, gaining practical experience through internships or volunteer work, and continuing education and training can all help aspiring professionals stand out in a crowded field. With dedication and perseverance, it is possible to build a successful career in cybersecurity.


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Apprentice Success Story: Malik Barnett


"Be a leader, not a follower" were the words that echoed Malik's passion. Armed with that motivational phrase, Malik constantly looked for ways to better himself. Knowing cybersecurity would always be an in-demand field was the impetus for Malik's journey. And, having a knack for problem-solving and analytical thinking made him a great candidate for cyber.

Malik's original aspiration was in the world of professional sports. As a college athlete, he channeled his passion for basketball into a position as a shoe store manager. Due to unforeseeable circumstances, he had to abandon his path toward playing professional sports. During this time, Malik considered engineering and information technology as potential majors at Maryville University. Ultimately, he opted for cybersecurity due to its parallels with team-building, an integral part of his basketball experience. Malik discovered CyberUp through a trusted source - a colleague who recognized his potential for a career in cybersecurity. Upon meeting with CyberUp's executive director, Tony Bryan, Malik's interest in the field was piqued. 

Through his pursuit of a master's degree at Maryville University, Malik found CyberUp was a valuable resource in supplementing his cybersecurity education. CyberUp provided him with a seamless transition into a career in cybersecurity, fortified by strong professional relationships to turn to for assistance. Malik notes that the opportunity to learn something new every day, a hallmark of the cybersecurity field, is one of his favorite aspects of the job.

Malik's apprenticeship with Centene through CyberUp paved the way for a full-time role as a systems engineer at the company. From his starting position as a security analyst to his current role, CyberUp played a pivotal role in guiding Malik toward a successful cybersecurity career. In Malik's own words, CyberUp positioned him for an auspicious entry into the cybersecurity field.


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Ep 52: ACC's Impact on Apprenticeships with Eric Dunker

The eco-system for cyber needs to be revamped for the future according to Eric Dunker Ph.D., Vice President of Workforce and Economic Development at Arapahoe Community College. Partnerships and pathways must be the new school approach. Colorado's bipartisan support of apprenticeship has propelled partnerships in the tech space with region-wide incentives. It's not a notion of either apprenticeship or college but how both can work in tandem.

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Ep 49: Free Cybersecurity Training Resources with Paul Cummings

Paul Cummings shares all the free training options for getting into cybersecurity. He names SANS Cyber Aces, Try Hack Me, Range Force, Evolve Security, Cyber Skills 2 Work, and his organization Whole Cyber Human Initiative as go-to training programs. Tony adds IT Pro TV To the list and urges users to treat these opportunities with the same discipline as paid training.


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Boeing and CyberUp team up again to train veterans

A little over four years ago a group of community leaders came together and presented an idea on how we can grow the regional workforce. These leaders included organizations like St. Louis Regional Chamber, Leadership Council of Southwestern Illinois, and Scott Air Force Base. The base was seeking a solution to their growing skills gap and a way to overcome hiring cleared personnel. There wasn’t an easy solution, but with the creation of CyberUp and a little bit of tenacity, collaboration, and community support we have a solution. With support from Boeing and the Scott Air Force Base Airman and Family Readiness Center, CyberUp has developed a pathway to help transitioning veterans begin a high paying career in cybersecurity.

On November 10th, CyberUp graduated 17 veterans and military spouses from our inaugural Veteran LevelUp Program. The program targeted veterans transitioning from active duty with 6 – 12 months left to their military commitment or active National Guard and Reservists. Participants received 6 months of free, virtual supported training by CyberUp. Their training will ramp up their technical and cybersecurity skills to CompTIA Security+. Upon completion of their training, veterans are eligible for apprenticeship placement services from CyberUp. Through placement at an employer partner of CyberUp, veterans will complete 2,000 hours as a paid apprentice and continue their technical skills training.

To build on the success of the first cohort, Boeing has invested in CyberUp again in 2020 to train 25 more veterans and military spouses in 2021. We will team up and support Scott Air Force Base who forecasted to have approximately 850 service members transition in 2020. This is the first step to attracting and training veterans in cybersecurity to stay in the St. Louis region. Veterans are highly sought after by local companies because of their commitment to mission and core values. “We have a tremendous amount of talent transitioning each year from our partners at the base. The more we can do to incentivize them to stay in our region will help fill our growing skills gap. I would like to personally grow this program to account for a minimum of 10% of the veterans transitioning each year. When we do this right, we can help other military communities through apprenticeship and training. The opportunities for both the veteran and the region,” Tony Bryan, Executive Director at CyberUp explains.

To learn more about the Veteran LevelUp Program, please visit CyberUp’s website at Information about the program, how to apply, and additional upcoming class details can be found there.

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Ep 17: 7 suggestions on how to break into cybersecurity with Jay Jay Davey

Jay Jay Davey is a blue team expert and has navigated a non-traditional pathway into a career in cybersecurity. Tune in for his advice on what you should and shouldn't do to get started. Spoiler alert - there isn't a silver bullet or easy button to get there.


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Ep 2: Corporate Social Responsibility to Close the Cyber Skills Gap - Rick Tracy

For our first podcast we are joined by Rick Tracy, CSO of Telos Corporation. Rick recently published an article in Forbes about creative ways companies can be intentional and close their talent shortage. We talk apprenticeship, internship, diversity, and youth engagement.


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