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The Future of Hiring: How Skills-Based Hiring is Shaping the Workplace

Finding top talent is hard especially when your team is already stretched thin. You need to find a person who can hit the ground running, but how? Gone are the days of solely judging candidates based on their degrees and experience. Skills-based hiring is revolutionizing the hiring process.


Skills-based hiring prioritizes skill sets over formal education and experience. While traditional hiring often relies heavily on educational background and work history, skills-based hiring flips the script. Employers now recognize that as long as candidates possess the necessary skills, their lack of formal education or relevant job experience shouldn't disqualify them. For instance, self-taught coders may lack a degree or prior coding job but possess the skills needed for the role. This approach focuses on inclusivity, welcoming candidates based on their abilities rather than excluding them due to specific prerequisites. However, it's crucial to verify candidates' skills through assessments or assignments rather than solely relying on their claims. This ensures candidates' skill levels align with the job requirements.


Skills-based hiring is starting to rise in popularity. Traditionally, recruiters would sift through countless resumes, looking for specific qualifications and experience. While these criteria are important, they don't always give a complete picture of a candidate's potential. Skills-based hiring is a more inclusive approach that emphasizes the actual skills an individual possesses, rather than just their credentials.


Now, you might be wondering why skills-based hiring matters. It comes with a multitude of advantages. It promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace. By shifting the focus from degrees to skills, recruiters can give equal opportunities to a wider range of candidates. This not only helps to break traditional biases and stereotypes but also creates a more dynamic and innovative work environment.


Another perk of skills-based hiring is the efficiency it brings to the hiring process. Instead of spending hours sifting through resumes, recruiters can quickly identify the core skills and competencies required for a specific role. This streamlined approach saves time, energy, and resources for both employers and job seekers.


What's more, skills-based hiring can have a positive impact on employee engagement and satisfaction. When individuals are hired based on their skills, they have the opportunity to excel in their areas of expertise. This boosts confidence, job satisfaction, and overall performance, leading to happier employees and a more productive workforce.


So, how can organizations implement skills-based hiring successfully? Well, it starts with identifying the key skills and competencies needed for each role. By clearly defining what skills are required, employers can target their recruitment efforts and attract candidates who possess those specific abilities.


Of course, no transition is without its challenges. One of the main hurdles when adopting skills-based hiring is resistance to change. Many organizations have been following traditional hiring practices for years, and convincing them to shift their mindset may take some effort. It's important to educate stakeholders about the benefits of this approach and showcase success stories from other companies that have embraced skills-based hiring.


Addressing potential skills gaps and the need for ongoing training and development is yet another factor to keep in mind. While skills-based hiring allows organizations to focus on relevant skills, it's important to have strategies in place to bridge any gaps and provide opportunities for employees to continuously upgrade their skills.


Looking ahead, the future of skills-based hiring is promising. As technology advances, we can expect to see more sophisticated skill assessment tools emerging. These tools will provide even more accurate insights into candidates' capabilities, helping organizations make even better hiring decisions.


Skills-based hiring is revolutionizing the recruitment landscape, bringing a host of benefits to both employers and job seekers. By focusing on skills rather than solely relying on degrees and experience, organizations can create a more inclusive, efficient, and engaged workforce. Whether you're a job seeker or an employer, it's time to embrace skills-based hiring and unlock the true potential of talent.

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We Need to Promote Non-traditional Skill Paths to Cybersecurity

This week CyberUp had the opportunity to hang with our partners at the Security Advisor Alliance at their first in-person Converge Tour in over 2 years. Converge Tours bring local high school students together with cybersecurity professionals to explore what is cybersecurity, apply some basic concepts in a capture the flag style event, and then ask questions to each of the volunteers about how they got to where they are. Needless to say….it was inspiring. I am always in awe of a student’s interest in the subject and the amount of awareness they have about technology concepts. I know I wasn’t at that level when I was their age.

A major theme of the event is to inspire a student to see cybersecurity as a career path that is available to them. The usual stats of millions of jobs available and CRAZY HIGH salaries of course were shared as they should. Students like money and the income potential in the industry are hard to ignore. During the question/answer session with professionals, students asked a lot of questions about their roles, what they do, and funny stories, but we never really got to the “how did you get there” discussion. I would speculate most students would assume a traditional college skill path. However, that path may not be a possibility or even a desire.

I was given an opportunity to talk a bit about CyberUp’s programs by AJ Eads (host of the event). I love talking about the work we do and it’s important to me to highlight that there are non-traditional skill paths that don’t involve a college education. I firmly believe that by focusing on traditional pathways alone we will never actually “move the needle” on the talent shortage we always hear about.

Our time together was short, but I hope I left a small impression on the students and they explore options like PowerUp Cyber Games to keep their cybersecurity interest front of mind until they graduate high school. I also hope they look at alternative programs like boot camps, certification tracks, self-taught, or apprenticeships to break into a cybersecurity career. The common denominator of success in cybersecurity is obtaining a particular set of skills, building your network, and selling yourself to an employer who will give you an opportunity to shine.

We have to do a few things to grow the cybersecurity workforce:
• Promote both traditional and non-traditional pathways to students.
• Look at this with a long-term approach by engaging middle and high school students.
• Build pathways for non-traditional candidates (BIPOC, women, veterans) who are looking for careers and not just jobs.
• Widen how we prepare both youth and adults for cybersecurity careers.
• Expand the requirements and types of people companies hire.

We share stories regularly on our social channels with examples of what we believe right looks like. This is a combination of companies who adopt apprenticeship, individuals who we prepare for those apprenticeships, and the students and teachers we engage through PowerUp Cyber Games. We share those examples to inspire others to join our efforts to promote non-traditional pathways to cybersecurity careers.

It was an honor to participate in the Converge Tour with the Security Advisor Alliance and spend the day with inspiring students and industry professionals. Thank you for the opportunity!

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Ep. 36: The Importance of Collaboration in Cyber w/Dougan Sherwood

In this episode of the LevelUp Cyber podcast, host Tony Bryan is joined by guest Dougan Sherwood. Dougan is the Executive Director of the Global Center for Cybersecurity (GCC). GCC is on a mission to increase the diversity of the cybersecurity workforce and connect companies together in a common org to do it collectively. A discussion was had on all of this plus the value of working together.


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Ep. 33: Reimagining hiring and diversity in cybersecurity with Eddie Williams

On this episode of LevelUp Cyber Podcast, we were joined by Eddie Williams. Eddie is a veteran and former PwC Cyber Manager. He shares the importance of rethinking how companies are hiring, the importance of a diverse team, and if he had a magic wand how he would solve the cybersecurity talent pipeline problem.


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