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The Future of Hiring: How Skills-Based Hiring is Shaping the Workplace

Finding top talent is hard especially when your team is already stretched thin. You need to find a person who can hit the ground running, but how? Gone are the days of solely judging candidates based on their degrees and experience. Skills-based hiring is revolutionizing the hiring process.


Skills-based hiring prioritizes skill sets over formal education and experience. While traditional hiring often relies heavily on educational background and work history, skills-based hiring flips the script. Employers now recognize that as long as candidates possess the necessary skills, their lack of formal education or relevant job experience shouldn't disqualify them. For instance, self-taught coders may lack a degree or prior coding job but possess the skills needed for the role. This approach focuses on inclusivity, welcoming candidates based on their abilities rather than excluding them due to specific prerequisites. However, it's crucial to verify candidates' skills through assessments or assignments rather than solely relying on their claims. This ensures candidates' skill levels align with the job requirements.


Skills-based hiring is starting to rise in popularity. Traditionally, recruiters would sift through countless resumes, looking for specific qualifications and experience. While these criteria are important, they don't always give a complete picture of a candidate's potential. Skills-based hiring is a more inclusive approach that emphasizes the actual skills an individual possesses, rather than just their credentials.


Now, you might be wondering why skills-based hiring matters. It comes with a multitude of advantages. It promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace. By shifting the focus from degrees to skills, recruiters can give equal opportunities to a wider range of candidates. This not only helps to break traditional biases and stereotypes but also creates a more dynamic and innovative work environment.


Another perk of skills-based hiring is the efficiency it brings to the hiring process. Instead of spending hours sifting through resumes, recruiters can quickly identify the core skills and competencies required for a specific role. This streamlined approach saves time, energy, and resources for both employers and job seekers.


What's more, skills-based hiring can have a positive impact on employee engagement and satisfaction. When individuals are hired based on their skills, they have the opportunity to excel in their areas of expertise. This boosts confidence, job satisfaction, and overall performance, leading to happier employees and a more productive workforce.


So, how can organizations implement skills-based hiring successfully? Well, it starts with identifying the key skills and competencies needed for each role. By clearly defining what skills are required, employers can target their recruitment efforts and attract candidates who possess those specific abilities.


Of course, no transition is without its challenges. One of the main hurdles when adopting skills-based hiring is resistance to change. Many organizations have been following traditional hiring practices for years, and convincing them to shift their mindset may take some effort. It's important to educate stakeholders about the benefits of this approach and showcase success stories from other companies that have embraced skills-based hiring.


Addressing potential skills gaps and the need for ongoing training and development is yet another factor to keep in mind. While skills-based hiring allows organizations to focus on relevant skills, it's important to have strategies in place to bridge any gaps and provide opportunities for employees to continuously upgrade their skills.


Looking ahead, the future of skills-based hiring is promising. As technology advances, we can expect to see more sophisticated skill assessment tools emerging. These tools will provide even more accurate insights into candidates' capabilities, helping organizations make even better hiring decisions.


Skills-based hiring is revolutionizing the recruitment landscape, bringing a host of benefits to both employers and job seekers. By focusing on skills rather than solely relying on degrees and experience, organizations can create a more inclusive, efficient, and engaged workforce. Whether you're a job seeker or an employer, it's time to embrace skills-based hiring and unlock the true potential of talent.

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Buying, Building, or Borrowing Talent?

In the digital age, where information is power and data breaches loom large, having a robust cybersecurity team is non-negotiable for businesses. However, the path to assembling such a team is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Companies often face the dilemma of whether to buy, build, or borrow talent for their cybersecurity endeavors. In this blog post, we’ll explore these approaches, weighing the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision. In this week's LevelUp Cyber Live, we covered the concept of building, buying, and borrowing talent. 

Buying Talent: The Fast-Track Solution

When time is of the essence and expertise is urgently needed, buying talent seems like the logical choice. This involves recruiting seasoned cybersecurity professionals externally, sometimes at a premium cost. The advantages include immediate access to expertise, specialized skills, and an existing network of industry connections. However, the downsides encompass high expenses and potential cultural integration challenges within the existing team.

Building Talent: Cultivating Homegrown Experts

Building talent refers to investing in existing employees or new recruits and nurturing their skills through training, certifications, and hands-on experience. This approach fosters loyalty, ensures a deep understanding of the company’s systems and values, and is often cost-effective in the long run. On the flip side, it demands time, patience, and consistent investment. Additionally, the evolving nature of cybersecurity requires continuous learning and adaptation, making ongoing training a necessity.

Borrowing Talent: Collaborative Solutions for Flexibility

Borrowing talent involves outsourcing specific cybersecurity tasks or projects to third-party experts or agencies. This approach offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Organizations can access a pool of specialized skills without the burden of long-term commitments. However, communication challenges, potential security risks associated with sharing sensitive information, and the need for stringent vendor management are key concerns.

The Hybrid Approach: Striking the Right Balance

In reality, many organizations opt for a hybrid approach, combining elements of buying, building, and borrowing talent. This strategy allows for flexibility, enabling companies to scale their cybersecurity efforts according to their needs. For instance, they may hire experienced professionals for critical roles, invest in training programs for existing employees, and collaborate with external experts for specialized projects.

Apprenticeship Intermediaries Role in Buying, Building, or Borrowing

Apprenticeship intermediaries play a pivotal role, providing a unique solution that integrates seamlessly with the concepts of buying, building, or borrowing talent. These intermediaries act as conduits, connecting businesses with skilled professionals and fostering an environment where novices can learn from seasoned experts. For companies opting to buy talent, apprenticeship intermediaries curate a pool of pre-trained cybersecurity specialists, ensuring a swift and efficient onboarding process. In the context of building talent, these intermediaries facilitate structured apprenticeship programs, where aspiring cybersecurity professionals can gain practical experience under the guidance of mentors. This not only nurtures homegrown talent but also creates a sustainable pipeline of skilled individuals tailored to the organization’s specific needs. Moreover, for those looking to borrow talent for specific projects, apprenticeship intermediaries offer a roster of agile, adaptable apprentices who can seamlessly integrate into collaborative ventures. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, these intermediaries not only support businesses in their talent acquisition endeavors but also contribute significantly to the growth and dynamism of the cybersecurity industry as a whole. Their role is not just transactional; it's transformational, shaping the future of cybersecurity by empowering both businesses and budding professionals to thrive in the digital landscape.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice

The choice between buying, building, or borrowing talent for your cybersecurity team depends on various factors such as budget, timeline, existing skill sets, and the nature of your cybersecurity needs. A careful evaluation of these factors, coupled with a clear understanding of your organization’s goals, can guide you toward the most suitable approach.

Ultimately, a successful cybersecurity team is not just about the individuals involved but also the collaborative spirit, continuous learning, and adaptability ingrained within the organization’s culture. By investing in the right mix of talent acquisition strategies, businesses can build a resilient cybersecurity ecosystem that safeguards their digital assets in an ever-changing threat landscape.

In the pursuit of cybersecurity excellence, the key lies in making informed decisions, leveraging the strengths of your team, and remaining agile in the face of evolving challenges. Whether you choose to buy, build, borrow, or blend these strategies, the ultimate goal remains the same: fortifying your digital fortress against the myriad threats lurking in the virtual realm.


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The Hidden Costs in Hiring

Traditional Hire vs Apprenticeship

Have you noticed how challenging it is to find new employees in the cybersecurity industry lately? It seems like we're constantly playing catch-up with the number of people needed. As of this morning, May 11, 2023, there are over 750,000 cybersecurity job openings listed on, and that number continues to grow. It's a real struggle!

To compound the issue, hiring new employees through traditional methods can be prohibitively expensive, and the costs only rise as the demand for talent increases. However, there may be alternative approaches worth exploring. Have you ever heard of apprenticeships as a potential solution to our hiring problems? Let's delve into that and examine the expenses associated with hiring new employees.

The Cost of Traditional Hires

Traditional hiring involves posting job advertisements, receiving applications, conducting interviews, and selecting candidates. This process can be quite costly, requiring businesses to invest time and money in various tasks, including:

  • Job Advertisements: Companies must pay to post job advertisements on job sites or other platforms, and the advertising costs can vary based on the location and type of job.
  • Recruiting Costs: Companies may also incur expenses associated with recruiting, such as hiring a recruiter or covering the costs of job fairs or other recruitment events.
  • Screening and Interviewing Costs: Once the applications are received, companies must sift through them and conduct interviews with candidates. This process can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly if the company needs to cover travel expenses for candidates coming from out of town.
  • Onboarding and Training Costs: Once a candidate is selected, the company must invest resources in onboarding and training the new employee.

The cumulative costs associated with traditional hiring methods can quickly reach $20K-$30K, or if you're fortunate enough to fill the position within a month of posting the job, around $16,999, as reported by James Elliot. Examining the cost breakdown is crucial.

The Cost of Apprenticeships

On the other hand, apprenticeships offer a cost-effective option for businesses. Apprenticeships involve hiring individuals with a work history and a passion for a new trade. Some of the benefits of apprenticeships include:

  • No Recruitment Costs: Companies do not need to pay for job advertisements or recruiters when hiring an apprentice.
  • No Screening Costs: Apprentices are already qualified and screened, saving the company time and money.
  • Reduced Onboarding and Training Costs: Apprenticeships provide on-the-job training, allowing the apprentice to learn while performing the job.
  • A More Skilled Workforce: Apprenticeships provide a structured learning environment that helps the apprentice develop job-specific skills and knowledge. This translates into a more skilled employee who can bring greater value to the company.

Why Apprenticeships are the Better Option

In addition to the cost savings associated with apprenticeships, there are other compelling reasons why they outshine traditional hires. Consider the following:

  • Reduced Turnover: Apprenticeships provide apprentices with a structured learning environment and a clear career path, leading to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover. According to a study mentioned in Apprenticeship USA, the average retention rate for apprentices is an impressive 93%.
  • Better Cultural Fit: Since apprenticeships introduce individuals to the field, it allows for the cultivation of a well-aligned employee who fits seamlessly into your work environment. This, in turn, helps minimize conflicts in the workplace and fosters a positive team dynamic.
  • A More Diverse Workforce: Apprenticeships play a crucial role in promoting workforce diversity by offering opportunities to individuals who may lack a traditional educational background or who come from underrepresented groups. By embracing apprenticeships, companies can tap into a broader talent pool and foster an inclusive work environment.


While traditional hires may initially appear more familiar and straightforward, the cost of employee acquisition can be exorbitant. Conversely, apprenticeships provide a cost-effective and invaluable alternative. By embracing apprenticeship programs, companies can create a workforce that is both highly skilled and diverse, effectively reducing turnover while providing a clear career trajectory for their employees.

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Ep 51: Bulldogs vs. Brain Surgeons with Eddie Williams

When deciding on a new hire your HR has to be realistic about qualifications for the role. They also have to find the best ratio of no pedigree but experienced workers (Bulldogs) to hyper-specialized professionals (Brain surgeons). Shorten that fantasy laundry list of qualifications to essential skills because those that meet the fantasy requirement (Unicorns) have jobs already. Don't forget bulldogs often become brain surgeons. 


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