Cy Says Blog & Podcast

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Tony Bryan

Ringing in the Year with Intentionality

As we embark on a new year, a season of hopefulness and optimism surrounds us. Individuals and organizations alike are contemplating the future, anticipating the exciting developments that will unfold in the next 12 months. At CyberUp, we are no exception. Our goals and budget were established in December, and we stand "ready" to face whatever challenges and opportunities the year may bring.

In my pursuit of personal and professional growth, I recently tuned in to The Mel Robbins Podcast. There, she offered a perspective on planning for the upcoming year that deeply resonated with me. Robbins emphasized the importance of understanding where we've been to chart a course forward. Without a clear understanding of what is and isn't working, creating a plan for abundance becomes a challenging task. Just as the quality of directions shapes your journey, this insight struck a chord with me for various reasons.

Reflecting on CyberUp's journey from 2023 into 2024, four core themes emerge: interesting, planning, scaling, and welcoming. Let's delve into each of them:


For many, 2023 was undeniably "interesting." The global landscape is rife with complexities—wars, inflation, social challenges, and more. With the added uncertainty of an election year in 2024, individuals and companies find themselves reassessing everything. While I won't delve into the details, acknowledging the interconnectedness of our shared experiences on this planet is crucial. Despite the weight of external factors, we must remain flexible and resilient in pursuing our mission. As Dori wisely advises, "Just keep swimming."


Entering 2024, CyberUp recognized the need for an updated strategic plan. Our previous plan, crafted over three years ago, needed revisiting given the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, apprenticeship, and STEM. Before delving into the planning process, we took the time to assess the current state of cybersecurity offerings nationally. This comprehensive analysis informed our unique value proposition—focusing on both youth and adult programming, offering flexibility in training, and maintaining a high-quality candidate pool.


With over 15 years of nonprofit experience, I've engaged in numerous strategic planning efforts. Unlike traditional expansion models, CyberUp's strength lies in a proven organization and model that works. While continual process improvement remains a priority, our core focus is on scaling—maximizing every aspect of our program to be as effective as possible for a broader audience. Central to this effort is enhancing employer engagement, a critical aspect of workforce programs like ours.


A blend of the last two themes, "Welcoming" serves as a call to action. Our plan includes a challenge to companies nationwide: join us in creating a movement toward adopting a skills-based hiring model. This challenge aims to encourage companies to rethink and reimagine their hiring practices, fostering diversity, equity, and a thriving work environment. Stay tuned for more details on this initiative in the coming months.

As we look ahead, the Board of Directors and the CyberUp team are committed to our current programs and have set ambitious goals to elevate the cybersecurity workforce in St. Louis and beyond. Our role, along with that of other organizations, in shaping the talent pipeline is crucial. Join us in our mission to elevate the cybersecurity workforce.

Over the next three years, we aspire to:

  • Ignite the passion for cybersecurity in 3,500 youths through our PowerUp program
  • Develop the cybersecurity skills of 525 individuals through our LevelUp Training program
  • Transform 244 jobs into apprenticeships and skills-based hiring programs
  • Inspire 280 volunteers to invest their time in those we serve

While the year and our plan are just beginning, here's to your ambitious goals for 2024! We invite you to share your aspirations with us. We are excited to kickstart the year, grateful for the support received over the years, and ready to make a positive impact with your collaboration. Welcome to the realm of skills-based hiring—we're delighted to have you on board

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Buying, Building, or Borrowing Talent?

In the digital age, where information is power and data breaches loom large, having a robust cybersecurity team is non-negotiable for businesses. However, the path to assembling such a team is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Companies often face the dilemma of whether to buy, build, or borrow talent for their cybersecurity endeavors. In this blog post, we’ll explore these approaches, weighing the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision. In this week's LevelUp Cyber Live, we covered the concept of building, buying, and borrowing talent. 

Buying Talent: The Fast-Track Solution

When time is of the essence and expertise is urgently needed, buying talent seems like the logical choice. This involves recruiting seasoned cybersecurity professionals externally, sometimes at a premium cost. The advantages include immediate access to expertise, specialized skills, and an existing network of industry connections. However, the downsides encompass high expenses and potential cultural integration challenges within the existing team.

Building Talent: Cultivating Homegrown Experts

Building talent refers to investing in existing employees or new recruits and nurturing their skills through training, certifications, and hands-on experience. This approach fosters loyalty, ensures a deep understanding of the company’s systems and values, and is often cost-effective in the long run. On the flip side, it demands time, patience, and consistent investment. Additionally, the evolving nature of cybersecurity requires continuous learning and adaptation, making ongoing training a necessity.

Borrowing Talent: Collaborative Solutions for Flexibility

Borrowing talent involves outsourcing specific cybersecurity tasks or projects to third-party experts or agencies. This approach offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Organizations can access a pool of specialized skills without the burden of long-term commitments. However, communication challenges, potential security risks associated with sharing sensitive information, and the need for stringent vendor management are key concerns.

The Hybrid Approach: Striking the Right Balance

In reality, many organizations opt for a hybrid approach, combining elements of buying, building, and borrowing talent. This strategy allows for flexibility, enabling companies to scale their cybersecurity efforts according to their needs. For instance, they may hire experienced professionals for critical roles, invest in training programs for existing employees, and collaborate with external experts for specialized projects.

Apprenticeship Intermediaries Role in Buying, Building, or Borrowing

Apprenticeship intermediaries play a pivotal role, providing a unique solution that integrates seamlessly with the concepts of buying, building, or borrowing talent. These intermediaries act as conduits, connecting businesses with skilled professionals and fostering an environment where novices can learn from seasoned experts. For companies opting to buy talent, apprenticeship intermediaries curate a pool of pre-trained cybersecurity specialists, ensuring a swift and efficient onboarding process. In the context of building talent, these intermediaries facilitate structured apprenticeship programs, where aspiring cybersecurity professionals can gain practical experience under the guidance of mentors. This not only nurtures homegrown talent but also creates a sustainable pipeline of skilled individuals tailored to the organization’s specific needs. Moreover, for those looking to borrow talent for specific projects, apprenticeship intermediaries offer a roster of agile, adaptable apprentices who can seamlessly integrate into collaborative ventures. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, these intermediaries not only support businesses in their talent acquisition endeavors but also contribute significantly to the growth and dynamism of the cybersecurity industry as a whole. Their role is not just transactional; it's transformational, shaping the future of cybersecurity by empowering both businesses and budding professionals to thrive in the digital landscape.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice

The choice between buying, building, or borrowing talent for your cybersecurity team depends on various factors such as budget, timeline, existing skill sets, and the nature of your cybersecurity needs. A careful evaluation of these factors, coupled with a clear understanding of your organization’s goals, can guide you toward the most suitable approach.

Ultimately, a successful cybersecurity team is not just about the individuals involved but also the collaborative spirit, continuous learning, and adaptability ingrained within the organization’s culture. By investing in the right mix of talent acquisition strategies, businesses can build a resilient cybersecurity ecosystem that safeguards their digital assets in an ever-changing threat landscape.

In the pursuit of cybersecurity excellence, the key lies in making informed decisions, leveraging the strengths of your team, and remaining agile in the face of evolving challenges. Whether you choose to buy, build, borrow, or blend these strategies, the ultimate goal remains the same: fortifying your digital fortress against the myriad threats lurking in the virtual realm.


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Get to know the team: Dillon Jareo

Dillon Jareo joined the CyberUp team in December 2022. He is part of our LevelUp Apprenticeship Team and supports our candidates and employer partners in meeting their current and future hiring needs. He brings a passion and commitment to serving others and growing the nation's non-traditional workforce in cybersecurity. 

What do you do at CyberUp?

As a business development manager at CyberUp, I focus on building strong relationships with our employer partners. I serve as a liaison between our partners and our organization, conducting meetings, preparing candidates for interviews, and staying current on industry trends. I enjoy collaborating with our partners to understand their hiring needs and match them with qualified candidates from our training programs.

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is finding the perfect candidates for our employer partners' open roles. I love collaborating with our partners to fully understand their needs, and then working to identify applicants who are a great fit. It's incredibly rewarding to see these candidates develop their skills through our apprenticeship program and thrive in their new positions. Being able to facilitate strong matches between candidates and employers is the most fulfilling aspect of my role.

What did you want to be when you were growing up as a kid?

I was interested in so many different things as a kid that I never settled on one career aspiration. But no matter what, I've always enjoyed helping people. I'm grateful to have found a career where I get to focus on building relationships and helping our partners and candidates succeed.

What is your go-to song for karaoke?

With my tone-deaf vocals, I wouldn't dare subject anyone to my karaoke skills! I prefer to let my tunefully gifted friends take the mic while I cheer them on. Though I lack singing abilities, I make up for it with spirited audience participation. I'm always down for a fun karaoke night - I just save the singing for my car and shower!

What is your favorite book to recommend?

My 2023 top book recommendation is To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini. This epic sci-fi adventure follows an astronaut who makes a discovery that propels her into an intergalactic war. Paolini builds a stunning space opera universe packed with action, mystery, and imaginative concepts. For an immersive read unlike any other, I highly recommend this thrilling saga.

What is one piece of advice you would give someone to “LevelUp” their career?

My advice for leveling up your career is to set clear goals and hold yourself accountable. Identify specific skills you want to develop or positions you aspire to, and map out the steps needed to get there. Track your progress and routinely assess if you're on pace. Stay focused on your objectives, and don't let setbacks derail you. Share your goals with a mentor who can advise you and keep you motivated. With drive, self-discipline, and determination, you can elevate your career to new heights. Defining your aims and following through is crucial for advancement.

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4 Differences Between Staffing Firms and CyberUp's Apprenticeship

In today's dynamic job market, the technology sector continues to experience rapid growth, with cybersecurity emerging as a critical domain. As organizations grapple with the challenge of finding skilled cybersecurity professionals, various approaches have been devised to bridge the talent gap. Two prominent methods are traditional staffing firms and apprenticeship placement models like CyberUp's. In this blog, we'll delve into the key differences between these two approaches, shedding light on their distinct characteristics, benefits, and considerations.

Defining the Models:

Staffing Firms: Staffing firms, also known as recruitment agencies or employment agencies, act as intermediaries between employers and job seekers. They source, evaluate, and present candidates to companies seeking to fill specific positions. Staffing firms operate across various industries and domains, connecting companies with temporary, permanent, or contract employees.

CyberUp's Apprenticeship: CyberUp's apprenticeship placement model focuses on developing talent through hands-on training and real-world experience. It provides a structured pathway for individuals looking to enter the cybersecurity field, particularly those with strong professional skills but who are simply new to cybersecurity. Apprentices work under the guidance of experienced mentors, gaining skills through practical projects and tasks. This model aims to bridge the skills gap while helping apprentices transition into permanent roles.

What are the 4 Differences:

  • Approach to Skill Development:
    • Staffing Firms: Staffing firms primarily match candidates' existing skills and qualifications with job requirements. While they may provide some training and resources, their main focus is on identifying candidates who are already equipped with the necessary skills.
    • CyberUp's Apprenticeship: CyberUp's approach emphasizes skill development through hands-on training and mentorship. Apprentices gain practical experience working on real projects, enhancing their skills in a real-world context. This model is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to transition into cybersecurity from different backgrounds, as it offers a learning pathway that bridges the skills gap.
  • Duration and Nature of Engagement:
    • Staffing Firms: Staffing firms often facilitate short-term or contract-based placements. While some placements may lead to permanent positions, many are temporary in nature, which may not provide long-term stability for job seekers.
    • CyberUp's Apprenticeship: Apprenticeships typically span a more extended period, often ranging from several months to a year or more. This longer engagement allows apprentices to immerse themselves in the cybersecurity domain, acquire practical skills, and build a solid foundation for future career growth.
  • Alignment with Industry Needs:
    • Staffing Firms: Staffing firms focus on immediate job placements, aiming to meet employers' immediate staffing needs. They may not always have a direct focus on skill development to address the broader skills gap in the industry.
    • CyberUp's Apprenticeship: CyberUp's model is designed to address the cybersecurity skills shortage by fostering skill development from the ground up. By providing apprentices with relevant training and mentorship, contributes to building a more skilled and capable cybersecurity workforce.
  • Potential for Long-Term Employment:
    • Staffing Firms: While staffing firms can lead to permanent placements, the focus is often on filling immediate vacancies rather than cultivating long-term career growth.
    • CyberUp's Apprenticeship: CyberUp's model aims to not only prepare apprentices for cybersecurity roles but also to facilitate their transition into long-term employment within the industry. By offering practical experience and mentorship, it positions apprentices for sustained success in the field.


Both staffing firms and CyberUp's apprenticeship placement model have their own merits, catering to different needs within the cybersecurity job market. Staffing firms provide immediate placement solutions, while CyberUp's innovative model offers a more comprehensive approach to skill development and addressing the industry's talent shortage. As the technology landscape evolves, exploring these different models can help job seekers and employers make informed decisions about the pathways that align with their goals and needs.

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