Cy Says Blog & Podcast

Apprentice Success Story: Michael Hall


In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, it's rare to find individuals passionate about technology and committed to continuous learning. Michael Hall's journey, supported by CyberUp, showcases how dedication, education, and ongoing support lead to remarkable career growth.

Embarking on a Cybersecurity Adventure

Michael's cybersecurity journey started with a strong foundation, drawing from his experience as a high IT analyst at a small non-profit and his academic studies in Business Administration and Cybersecurity. A recommendation from a professor at Webster University led him to CyberUp, transforming his career path. Michael's diverse interests, including fitness, 3D printing, and family time, highlight his versatile personality and eagerness to explore the cybersecurity field.

Early Realizations and Growth

Only three months into his apprenticeship, Michael appreciated the comprehensive nature of CyberUp's training programs, such as ITProTV, and the hands-on practice quizzes that sharpened his skills. His initial role as a security analyst set the stage for his aspirations to expand into testing roles or red team penetration testing, reflecting his desire to master the intricacies of cybersecurity.

Midway Milestones

At the six-month milestone, Michael embraced the dynamic world of cybersecurity, aligning with his love for tech and ongoing learning. The supportive atmosphere at CyberUp and balancing work-life demands showcased his personal and professional growth. He kept himself updated on the ever-changing cybersecurity field through podcasts, blogs, and Reddit, aiming to become a threat intelligence analyst or threat hunter.

A Year of Transformation and Achievement

Approaching his one-year mark, Michael reflected on bridging education with hands-on experience. Starting as an apprentice and swiftly becoming a full-time employee, his journey symbolized progress. He played a key role in implementing a new data loss prevention tool, focusing on email security and incident response. His advice to future CyberUp candidates: stick with it for career advancement.

Michael's cherished quote, "Comparison is the thief of all joy," which stresses the importance of personal growth. His future aspirations lean towards a technical role like a security engineer, fueled by gratitude for CyberUp's support and a drive for continuous improvement in the cybersecurity community.

Legacy and Mentorship

Apart from his professional achievements, Michael's willingness to volunteer with CyberUp’s youth program and participate in the alumni program as a volunteer speaker shows his commitment to giving back and motivating the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.

Michael's journey, from starting his CyberUp apprenticeship to becoming a cybersecurity analyst, is a tale of dedication, ongoing learning, and the impactful support of educational programs. His story inspires aspiring cybersecurity professionals, showing that reaching career goals is possible with the right resources, guidance, and determination.

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April Fools' Cybersecurity: Don't Let Phishing Lines Reel You In!

On this April Fool’s Day, it's not just pranksters and jokesters who are gearing up for mischief. Cybercriminals also see this day as an opportunity to unleash their tricks and scams on unsuspecting individuals and organizations. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of cybersecurity awareness during April Fool's Day and explore strategies to protect yourself and your organization from falling victim to cyber threats.


The Significance of Cybersecurity Awareness:

Cybersecurity awareness is crucial year-round, but it takes on added importance during times like April Fool's Day when cybercriminals may attempt to exploit the jovial atmosphere to carry out malicious activities. By raising awareness about common cyber threats and promoting best practices for online safety, individuals and organizations can minimize their risk of falling victim to cyber-attacks.


Understanding Cyber Threats:

Before diving into specific cybersecurity tips for April Fool's Day, it's essential to understand the types of cyber threats that may arise during this time. These threats can include phishing attacks, social engineering scams, malware distribution, and misinformation campaigns. Cybercriminals may capitalize on the spirit of April Fool's Day to send deceptive emails, create fake websites, or spread false information through social media channels.


Tips for Protecting Yourself:

  1. Verify Before You Click: Exercise caution when encountering suspicious links or emails, especially if they seem too good to be true or come from unfamiliar sources. Before clicking on any links or downloading attachments, verify the sender's identity and ensure that the website is legitimate.
  2. Strengthen Password Security: Use strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and consider enabling two-factor authentication for an added layer of security. Avoid using easily guessable passwords or sharing them with others, as this can leave you vulnerable to unauthorized access.
  3. Stay Updated on Security Patches: Keep your software, operating system, and antivirus programs up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Regularly check for software updates and install them promptly to protect against known vulnerabilities and exploits.
  4. Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Offers: Be wary of unsolicited emails, messages, or phone calls promising prizes, discounts, or other incentives. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and avoid providing personal or sensitive information to unknown entities.
  5. Educate Your Team: If you're part of an organization, take the opportunity to educate your team members about cybersecurity best practices. Conduct training sessions, share relevant resources, and encourage a culture of vigilance and accountability when it comes to cybersecurity.


Protecting Your Organization:

  1. Implement Robust Security Measures: Ensure that your organization has robust cybersecurity measures in place, including firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption. Regularly assess your network security posture and address any vulnerabilities or weaknesses promptly.
  2. Monitor for Suspicious Activity: Implement monitoring tools and protocols to detect and respond to suspicious activity on your network. Monitor for signs of unauthorized access, unusual login attempts, or inconsistent behavior that may indicate a potential security breach.
  3. Backup Your Data: Regularly back up your organization's data and ensure that backups are stored securely and regularly tested for reliability. In the event of a cyber-attack or data breach, having backup copies of your critical data can help minimize disruption and facilitate recovery.
  4. Foster a Culture of Security Awareness: Promote cybersecurity awareness and best practices among your employees through regular training, awareness campaigns, and ongoing communication. Encourage employees to report any security incidents or concerns promptly and provide them with resources and support to stay vigilant online.
  5. Collaborate with Security Partners: Consider partnering with trusted cybersecurity vendors or experts to enhance your organization's security posture. Leverage their expertise and resources to identify and mitigate potential threats, assess your cybersecurity readiness, and develop a comprehensive security strategy tailored to your organization's needs.

This April Fool’s Day, it's essential to remain vigilant and proactive about cybersecurity. By staying informed about common cyber threats, adopting best practices for online safety, and implementing strong security measures, individuals and organizations can minimize their risk of falling victim to cyber-attacks. Remember, the best defense against cyber threats is a combination of awareness, preparedness, and proactive action.

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Empowering Tomorrow's Cybersecurity Leaders

In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity education, CyberUp’s PowerUp youth program stands as a beacon for young minds eager to explore the world of online safety. PowerUp youth program is a transformative initiative designed to provide a fun, free, and hands-on experience for students. Through engaging activities, the program empowers participants to understand the intricacies of the Internet and equips them with crucial knowledge on staying safe in the digital realm. By partnering with cybersecurity experts and local schools, PowerUp encourages students to think critically about their online presence while introducing them to the idea of cybersecurity as a career. 


CyberUp’s PowerUp youth program, which seeks to eliminate barriers that would normally keep some students from receiving this essential information, could not exist without sponsors who believe in our mission. Today, we’d like to highlight two of our amazing sponsors: PwC and Maryville University.


PwC: Catalysts for Innovation and Learning

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) a global leader in professional services, plays a pivotal role in the success of the PowerUp initiative. Beyond financial contributions, PwC employees have volunteered their time to share their expertise and experience with the young people in our program.


"PwC US supports the PowerUp youth education program for its ongoing impact in bringing awareness to youth around the cybersecurity space,” said Rik Boren, Partner at PwC.  “Providing cybersecurity information and skills can help shape their education and future career opportunities, potentially in cybersecurity.  By investing in this program, we are hopeful that we can help increase interest in cybersecurity topics with youth in underserved communities. Introducing cybersecurity skills today is investing in their future -- to develop and grow skills that are marketable for their future careers, help address the cybersecurity skills shortfall, and help the future security of the world." 


Maryville University: Commitment to Academic Excellence

Maryville University brings its dedication to academic excellence to the PowerUp youth program through its generous sponsorship. Their commitment to improving the lives of St. Louis citizens through education is the type of mission that we at CyberUp love to collaborate with. Students can’t enter a career field they know nothing about, which is why it’s essential to introduce them to these pathways as early as possible so that they can make informed decisions about their future.


“Maryville University's sponsorship of the PowerUp youth program directly correlates with our strategic plan, access & opportunity for all, especially our youth,” explains Brian Gant, Assistant Dean of Technology at Maryville University. 

Program Reach and Impact:

Thanks to the generous support of PwC and Maryville University, CyberUp’s PowerUp youth program has successfully reached over 250 students in the St. Louis area since October 2023. The program's hands-on approach and the sponsorship's commitment to education and mentorship have left a lasting impact on young minds, preparing them for a future where cybersecurity plays a crucial role.


If you would like CyberUp to visit your elementary or middle school and participate in our free program, you can find more information about it here: Additionally, if you're passionate about helping our youth become more cyber-aware and would like to volunteer with us, you can learn more about volunteer opportunities here:


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